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The IUP Journal of Life Sciences
Impact of Different Doses of Gamma Rays on Seed Germination in Verbesina encelioides Benthem and Hooker

The present investigation was carried out on the experimentally-induced mutations with gamma rays on the seeds of Verbesina encelioides Benth. and Hooker. Ionizing radiations altered the mean total seed germination and also temporal patterns of the germination when compared with control. Higher doses were deleterious for most of the seed parameters studied. The possibility of inducing genetic variability in improvement program of this medicinally important weed is envisaged.


Verbesina is a genus of the sunflower family (Asteraceae) which contains over 15,000 species and is one of the largest plant families in the world. Verbesina encelioides (American dog weed, butter daisy, crown-beard, golden crown-beard or South African daisy) is a native to the US and Mexico and naturalized elsewhere. Seeds (achenes) are grayish brown, flattened and broadly winged along margins (Wagner et al., 1999), ranging in size from 5.4 to 6.7 mm long and 3.1-3.6 mm wide (Kaul and Mangal, 1987). Seedlings bear cotyledons ranging approximately to 1.5 cm in length. Long periods of seed dormancy and high germination rates are reported. Chromosome number is reported as 2n = 34 (Dematteis et al., 2007). There are many reports of its use in folk medicine as analgesic, emetic, febrifuge, insecticide and anti-inflammatory. It is even used to treat cancer, gastrointestinal disturbance, skin ailments, and snake bite. The plant is primarily an anti-inflammatory for redness and swelling of the orifices. The paste is applied directly to hemorrhoids, labial inflammations and sore gums. A hot cup of tea will break fevers, inducing copious sweating, relaxation and a mild laxative effect. Verbesina exhibits rapid seedling, vegetative and reproductive growth. Seed germination under ideal conditions is high and can occur in varying soils except in gravel. It is significantly suppressed under drought and water-logged conditions. High phenotypic plasticity, ecological variability, phenological diversity and seed germination in varied soils contribute to the successful growth, propagation and spread of this species in nature in India.


Life Sciences Journal, Milk Production Systems in Bure District, Amhara National Regional State, Milk Development, Marketing Systems, Agricultural Products, Feeding Systems, Calf Rearing, Milk Feeding, Bucket Feeding, Partial Suckling, Dietary Treatments, Veterinary Services.